Friday, June 19, 2009
Returning to Iowa in 7 days...more detailts soon...DefendMarriage Tweet-a-thon continues...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Leaving for Iowa....your prayers are greatly appreciated...and if you feel led to aide in the fight you can donate here >
Thanks to Sandra Behanna and Laura Major who just made pledges to DefendMarriage, you can too @
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pres. Obama will sign a presidential memorandum on Wednesday to extend benefits to same-sex partners of fed. employees >>
Kevin Cook just made a pledge to aide in the fight to protect Traditional Marriage, make yours to @
While Defending It in Court, White House Vows to Repeal Defense of Marriage Act >>
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Traditional Marriage activist sacrifices all for marriage cause... Home Goes On The Chopping Block !! ...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Good News >> U.S. Justice Department moves to dismiss first fed gay marriage case >>
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
DefendMarriage chooses the June 6th anniversary to announce its own form of invasion on June 19th ...see more at
Friday, June 5, 2009
Next frontier? Polygamists demand multi-sex marriage
Activists: New Hampshire plan embeds bigotry into state law
Activists: New Hampshire plan embeds bigotry into state law
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
New Hampshire governor signs gay marriage law....becomes 6th state to allow gay marriage >>
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
'Gay' defenders condemn WND's Kupelian to hell:Best-selling 'Marketing of Evil' author attacked, compared to Nazis, devil
Marriage War Bonds from DefendMarriage
by Rev. John Brewer, founder of Virtue1st inc./DefendMarriage
On May 31st, one of our administrators for the Facebook Fan page posted the following:
"Thank you to all who have joined our State and/or College groups. We are rapidly growing!
Please feel free to post on our groups and invite your friends to take a stand with us. And
PLEASE remember us in prayer that we can Glorify God and He will provide our needs. The
many people who operate DefendMarriage are doing so on a volunteer basis, so your
purchases of wrist bands and Marriage War Bonds are our only funds". I would have liked
to add: "are our only funds..almost." You see, people have donated various amounts of
time, money, food, hospitality, and shelter also. God has provided. Still, the post was
essentially correct..for now.
A few weeks ago, we introduced a new "product" called Marriage War Bonds. It was a simple
but symbolic play off traditional fund-raising for real, physical wars that have occurred in times
past. Wikipedia (cf.- offers this
"War bonds are debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military
operations during times of war. War bonds generate capital for the government and make
civilians feel involved in their national militaries. Exhortations to buy war bonds are often
accompanied with appeals to patriotism and conscience...".
Hence, our use of "war bonds" was to involve our supporters, particularly Christians, in the
real, spiritual war that continues to escalate worldwide against Marriage and its Creator.
Our war bonds pay no earthly interest, but we trust are regarded by the Creator as
evidence of faith and a measurement of commitment for which heavenly rewards are
indeed paid.
The purpose for our war bond effort, however, goes beyond the mere raising of a few dollars
to sustain a holy war against unrighteousness. While we do have need of such finances, the broader purpose is to deepen and spread the resistance into a national effort. Too often, good ministries have found themselves fighting the good fight with meager resources, all the while our Enemy is fortified with ungodly sums of wealth. Our war bonds represent a national strategy to bring together efforts literally from around the globe. Victory or defeat will have worldwide ramifications. Make no mistake about this. Here are the bonds we offer:
Both of these bonds are centered on prayer because it is the essential element for winning wars.
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