Saturday, May 30, 2009

National Campaign of DefendMarriage contracts with Iowa graphics designer to produce a whole arsenal of campaign goods.
Normandy (Iowa) Invasion Plan, Part I -- -- The first details of how DefendMarriage will launch it's counter-offensive!!

Normandy (Iowa) Invasion Plan, Part I

My previous post,

California Elephant Lays A Big Goose Egg, ...bad news, ye prophets of Baal...,

was a prelude to this Declaration of War. It explained why and
how DefendMarriage became involved in Iowa, and further why I
personally became involved. Now, I entrust unto you my
readers and supporters, the Normandy (Iowa) Invasion Plan.

Before I elaborate about the Normandy Invasion, I want to
re-post a letter sent to the editor by the Honorable
Representative Dwayne Alons of Iowa:

"Iowa and America seems to be losing its way. We no longer appear
to have our moral compass pointed to “true north.” Since the April 3, 2009,
Iowa Supreme Court opinion to remove our traditional definition of marriage
between only one man and one woman, a number of states are choosing
to also to go down this same route as Iowa. They are Maine, Connecticut
and Vermont with New Hampshire and New York getting closer to that
decision and Washington, D.C., by default with no action against the city
council's choice in the U.S. Congress. The Iowa legislature could have
begun the process this session to send this decision to the people of the
state as a ballot issue, but the Democratic leadership, namely Speaker
Murphy and Senate Majority Leader Gronstal said “no” to that idea. They
thwarted every effort by the minority party and some of their own members
to have a debate on the marriage issue. The governor also did not pursue
an executive order to “stay” the decision until the constitutional process
was exhausted. I believe they are supportive of the Court's ruling because
they have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from gay activists for
the last two elections putting them into power. Most of that money has
come from out-of-state, so they are listening to non-constituents more
than to the people of Iowa. May 28 is another homosexual-backed fund
raiser for Murphy and Gronstal in support of their pro-Court actions.
This whole course has gone far beyond the natural political process. I
believe we are in a spiritual battle for the very existence of the constitution
of our state and the true soul of America. Before a next natural step could
and, I believe, should happen, we must be down on our knees before our
Creator to ask for His intervention. The hearts of our leaders must be
changed or the leaders must be removed, for them to honor our
constitutional process and to see that what is being allowed is a
debauchery of our society as established by our Creator. This effort is so
significant, that I believe, simple prayer is not enough, but this can only be
changed by prayer and fasting. I am not speaking as a politician
representing my party, but I am asking every concerned person – pastor,
church member, constitution lover, and concerned citizen for our future to
join in the spiritual battle first and follow up with communication with the
governor and the legislative leaders to allow your God-given rights to be

If you were to re-read my first post, you would discover that
I came away from my first extensive visit to Iowa with some
rather strong opinions myself. But honestly, it doesn't matter
who is at fault or to which political party they belong. The
Creator I serve doesn't care about Parties, but righteousness.
He is a forgiving God who can change both minds and hearts.
There are consequences to our decisions, but only blasphemy
of the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. So, my first and lasting
appeal is a call for repentance. This is what our nation really
needs. Let me recall a famous Scripture: "If my people, which
are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray,
and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I
hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their
land (II Chron. 7:14)." Now study this, because it is basic.
I agree with Representative Alons. This is a spiritual warfare.

The Normandy (Iowa) Invasion Plan is pretty simple. It is
all about the power of prayer to transform. I believe in that
power, the gift of God to take part in redemption. So, I want
to answer all of those who asked me what they could do to
make a difference.

Are you a church? Humble yourself and ask forgiveness. Let
God direct you about what he wants you to do. I don't know
of any perfect churches, so I cannot imagine any lack of
need to repent. Some may feel a special need to repent for
their inaction. Note, there is no time limit to this process.
Repent until God gives you a clear conscience, with no other
indication of any wrongdoing. Ask and He will reveal. Be
humble enough and believe that your faithfulness will result
in His faithfulness. Pray and seek God: His will, His glory.
God always answers prayers that truly put Him first, with no
reservations. Make sure that is your heart if you want to
see God work miracles. Turn from your wicked ways. It's
surprising, but some churches expect God to act when they
keep on doing the evil deeds. They see no power because
they are unwilling to act, for whatever reason. They
confine God to four walls so that they do not suffer in any
way. They walk away from the process feeling good about
what they have done, yet they accomplish nothing God
credits because they are unwilling to fully rely on God.
Consider this: by itself, if it does not have works,
is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have
works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will
show you my faith by my works.
I would recommend that
the Church take seriously the book of James -- principles
which though timeless, seemed to be lost in this present

Are you an individual? Review God's plan for the Church
above. It is your plan as well. Repentance begins with
one person at a time. Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
wait for others. Not anyone. Not your church, not your
family or friends. God's blessing for your life and those
you have contact with needs your action. You have no
idea how much this will mean. Only God does. He asks
for your simple obedience because it is the only way.

I suppose some reading this will respond that, "this is all
well and good, but what does this have to do with Iowa --
with taking back ground from those who have stolen power
and promoted unrighteousness." "Pious sounding blabber",
others may say. To this I can only respond that it is the
Word of God. It is the vision God has given for victory. It
is the truth, and if you believe the truth, then God needs
you. As do I. As does DefendMarriage.

We are going to take down strongholds of the enemy, but
the soldiers we are recruiting are those who believe God.
Make no mistake, we are serious. We ask for help from
wheresoever you are in the world. Prayer. Honest,
heartfelt prayer. Fasting, if you are so led. But prayer
most assuredly. Some of us, myself included, are going to
the sources of infection in Iowa. Why? Because just
as a poultice is made to "draw out" a specific infection and
thus cleanse a wound, so we will go to locations where
healing is needed. The locations themselves will be
revealed just prior to our arrival to maintain strategic
advantage. If God leads you to join us, please come. If
God should lead you to undergird our effort by supplying
the means to advance righteousness, our gratitude will
be eternal. This is our Normandy Invasion. With
prayer, fasting, and works that highlight the truth, we
shall prevail.

Prophets of Baal, mock now while you may. You may
not find it so humorous in the near future.

your servant,
Rev. John Brewer
founder of Virtue1st inc./DefendMarriage

PS. -- (cf.- next DefendMarriage article,
"Provisioning The Normandy Invasion")

Friday, May 29, 2009

Founder of the homosexual activist group GLSEN handed Federal post to oversee "safety" in our nation's public schools !
O no they didn't! .....Compromise reached on NH gay marriage bill....which is expected to come up for a vote Wednesday. >>

Thursday, May 28, 2009

California Elephant Lays A Big Goose Egg >> by Rev. John Brewer ...bad news, ye prophets of Baal. Normandy is coming!!

California Elephant Lays A Big Goose Egg

Since last Summer, observers and activists alike have trained
theirs eyes on California. First, her Supremes decided it was okay
to allow homosexual marriage. Then, the people spoke and
amended their Constitution. Finally, the California Supremes
decided that the people had the right to do what their
constitution gave them a right to do. Wow! Talk about drama.
But now the elephant in the room has lain a big goose egg. It is
temporarily out of the traditional values spotlight. That is a good
thing for all the rest of us. It means we still have time to prepare
for a "Normandy-style" invasion.

But let's take inventory of the facts for a moment. Perhaps you
haven't noticed (maybe you
were on another planet), but things
have not been going so well for the traditional marriage
Massachusetts {5+ yrs}, Connecticut {8 mos.},
California {6 mos. (now reversed, except for 18000 couples)},
Iowa {1+ month}, Vermont {2 months}, Maine {1 month},
New Hampshire {almost, maybe}, several others trying... Of
course, traditional marriage is just the tip of the iceberg, so to
speak. To simply get a survey of what is happening on the whole
sex culture war, you have to realize that there are many other
fronts on which the opposition is moving. Below is a partial listing
of the government-only affiliated battles now raging:

  • removing the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy;
  • expanding hate crimes legislation;
  • repealing the federal defense of marriage act (DOMA);
  • passing the employment non-discrimination act (ENDA);
  • expanding the adoption rights for gays and lesbians;
  • "empathetic" appointments to judiciary directed at gays
and lesbians;
  • school curriculums which are altered to teach children
that same-sex marriages are normal, moral, and equivalent
of traditional marriages (and only bigots would think
To do justice to providing the full scope of the onslaught, one
would have to look at the
extensive efforts of non-governmental
action such as the media's complicit role. I'm sorry,
even the
demographics don't help us. The trend is worldwide, and the
younger generation
is much more apt to buy into GLBT
propaganda -- so far.

A little over five years ago, as a Kentucky Pastor (see partial ref.
: ), I became
convicted to the core that America was headed down a
Doomsday path. I was literally shook to the core while visiting a
mission on a South Dakota Indian reservation. In late 2003, Judge
Bork was being interviewed and was talking about what was
getting ready to transpire legally with homosexual "rights". Until
this time, I had, like many of you, nothing more than a passing
interest in the subject. I knew I wasn't gay, didn't hate gays, and
had been generally unaffected by the odd and sinful behavior of a
fringe element. But this interview woke me up as a pastor, and
the conviction which followed made it stunningly clear that our
country was headed for judgment and the wrath of God. I believe
the Bible. I believe that Sodom and Gomorrah were real places
where God poured out His wrath. My country, the land of liberty
where I enjoyed freedoms of religion, association, and speech -
my country - was about to come into the cross-hairs of
judgment. The drops of mercy we had all collectively pushed to
the limit through national abortion were about to cease and
produce a harvest of despair that God Himself would prepare for
us. Oh sure, there are many sins for which we are responsible.
Our materialism, for instance, would outstrip many previous
cultures. But what abortion and sodomite-marriages demonstrate
is that our conscious has been so seared that we are almost
beyond hope. I say almost.

I say we are almost beyond hope because in Kentucky, I know
there is a remnant. I found it five years ago. And recently, in
Iowa, I met a remnant also. Please remember that before God
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, He had a discussion with
Abraham. Abraham basically asked if God would destroy the land
if any righteous person were living in it. The answer came back,
"No". So there is hope in Iowa. Again, God was ready to destroy
Nineveh by the mouth of his prophet Jonah unless they repented.
They did. So, God withheld judgment of Nineveh for 400 years.
My friends, we stand at a Nineveh moment. Still, Nineveh had a
king which ordered repentance throughout the land. We, friends,
are the "king" in the United States of America. We, the citizens
and no others, will make that decision about wrath.

I beg your indulgence, but let me talk specifically about Iowa for
a moment. Iowa is like World War II France. It has been overrun
by the unrighteous and unscrupulous. Its Supreme judiciary is fat,
smug, and arrogant. Ditto for many in the legislature. It has a
governor who has refused to act on behalf of the people
regardless of his authority and responsibility to do so. In short,
the Iowa constitution makes a provision for runaway tyranny
by including this very important wording:

All political power is inherent in the people. Government is
instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people,
and they have the right,
at all times, to alter or reform the
same, whenever the
public good may require it.

What this means is that the good people of Iowa have both
the right and responsibility
and this includes the biblical
mandate) to oppose a government which does not provide

for the PUBLIC GOOD. (To oppose them how? That is the
subject of my next DefendMarriage article,
The Normandy Invasion").

My Iowa friends, your government has been hijacked. It no
longer is acting, as a whole, for the good of the people. It is not
acting for the good of your children and grandchildren. It will, in
the end, stifle your liberties. You can act as though there is
nothing you can do, or you can ready yourself for action to take
it back. If you choose the former, I'm afraid that makes you a
collaborator. If you are stopped by fear, please recognize that
those who were afraid -- who were too afraid to do the right
thing -- were cast into the Lake of Fire (cf.- Revelation 21:8).

Iowa is the main battlefront because it has become national
fodder for the homosexual movement. I did not choose to go
to Iowa as a minister from Kentucky. I was compelled to go to
Iowa by recent circumstances. We dutifully canvassed the
Iowan landscape from one end to the other for three weeks. I
talked to pastors and lay leaders and pro-family lobbyists and
legislators and just plain folks. The conclusion was nearly
unanimous: you were "snookered". Some saw this coming,
while others did not. It is clear that if the people got an
opportunity to speak, the Iowa Supreme Court would have to
sit down and shut up! Marriage is between a man and woman -
period. But I must tell you that I was most amazed at the
Church leadership in general (there were some notable
exceptions). Almost invariably, they were silent or wanted to
make it seem as though there was nothing they could do. Many
begged my son and I as we toured Iowa to tell them what to do.
"What could they do?" Let me present an analogy:

Suppose you were carrying your child across a scenic bridge that
traversed a calm but deep pool
of water. Suddenly, the
unthinkable happened. Your child wriggled free and went plunging
the water. You were unable to swim at all, and in fact, you
were handicapped. You watched in
terror. You screamed
frantically for help as many, many others stood by and watched.
outcome was certain unless someone stepped forward and
tried to save your child. To your shock
and horror, not many
seemed interested. Some made suggestions. Some blamed you.
Some ran
off to send a letter of protest to their local government
official. Some made a few calls to officials.
Some stayed on the
sidelines and prayed. And some actually rejoiced that "survival of
the fittest
was taking its natural course". However, most just
went about their business and tried to
pretend that life would go
on as normal. In the end, when interviewed, most would say
they had
a personal dislike for drowning children, but what could
they do?

If I hadn't seen this before in Kentucky, I too would have been
mortified. In 2004, in the midst of our campaign to make
Kentuckians aware of a state amendment to protect traditional
marriage, we went to a medium sized church called Parkway with
our Support Traditional Marriage Bus. Our job was to inform
Kentuckians and rally Christ-believers. Of course, in Louisville we
already had had a foretaste of what was to come. No matter how
many rallies we organized or what pastors were approached, very
few churches seemed to want to get involved. In marriage?!? We
stepped up our campaign directly at the source of the evil
propaganda, "the Fairness Campaign", by paying them a visit and
legally protesting outside their headquarters. They called the
police three times. All three times the police said we were legal,
and finally directed the homosexual Fairness Campaign to cease
and desist. But again, this was a church outside a major
metropolitan area where the sympathies tend to be much more
favorable to traditional marriage. Or, so we thought.

We attended the first service at Parkway and to our mild
amazement, the church made no reference to visitors or our
cause. So, we decided to leave business cards on each car that
informed the people about the marriage amendment and our
website where they could learn more. This drew the immediate ire
of two pro-homosexual activists WITHIN the church who went
immediately to seek help from the church deacons. They came
out and demanded that we remove the cards. Nothing doing.
The cards were now in the possession of individual property
owners on their cars. Believe me, we knew our rights. Had they
asked us to move the bus (because it was on private church
property in the parking lot)
, we would have been obligated to do
so. They never asked for this. Instead, they insisted that we
remove the cards. Nope, not gonna happen. They asked if we
would like to speak with a state policeman who was in the
congregation. We said," fine". (We'd grown quite accustomed to
ranting homosexual activists calling the police and having us
move in the finer parking lots of such places as Walmart, malls,
grocery stores -- even a U.S. Post Office).
The state policeman
knew the law, as did we. There was nothing he could do. This
went on until the end of the second service whereupon the
congregation spotted many of their deacons and leaders and
concluded that they must be over by our bus doing the right
thing. We were asking people to sign a petition. Their natural
conclusion was that their leaders must be doing just that. They
rushed over to sign also. By the end of the affair, most of their
leaders signed as well, too embarrassed to admit that they
were actually standing with the forces of evil. We won a very
great and hard-fought spiritual battle that day. A final note to
this victory was that just down the road not too far was another
church that had the complete opposite reaction -- loving and
affirming us with every word and deed.

In the end, we learned a lot about churches in general, and
particularly leadership. Let me mildly say that the Bible has much
to say about those who claim to be teachers and preachers,
and they are and will be held to a higher standard. I firmly believe
that there are good, saved Christians scattered around in many
church denominations. I have found that I may not agree with
every point of theology, but by their fruits I have known them.
God has raised them up seemingly from nowhere, and I am sure
that such a crop exists in Iowa as well. I will also say that no
amount of resources can turn back the evil that we now see
being manifested, save One. Many organizations have tried
various plans. Most of them have a track record of failure -- at
least when measured on the mega-scale of "preserving traditional
marriage with no compromise to sodomy". DefendMarriage has
one simple approach: rely on God and use the truth to break
down every stronghold
. It works. Logic, science, or straight
Scripture -- the white hot truth never fails.

California has not laid the golden egg for homosexual activists.
Yes, you sodomites have won a few states. But please don't get
too excited. I know a Kentucky minister who is in imminent danger
of losing his home and most everything he owns because he will
not quit. Indeed, he cannot quit. He believes in Jesus' definition
of marriage (Mark 10:6-8; and will defend the
honor of his Lord with his last breath if need be. And, by the
grace of God, he's coming back to Iowa very soon. What's more,
he's found a few of the faithful who aren't ready to give up either.
This is bad news, ye prophets of Baal. Normandy is coming.

your servant,
Rev. John Brewer
founder of Virtue1st inc./DefendMarriage

PS. -- (cf.- next DefendMarriage article, "The Normandy Invasion")

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Strange bedfellows >> Bush, Gore attorneys from 2000 team up to take on Prop. 8 >>

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

California Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Gay Marriage.... allows 18,000 gay couples to stay married >>
California Prop 8 decision expected today at 1pm ET >> .... we will update you as soon as we hear the decision...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Clinton to Announce Gay U.S. Diplomats Will Receive Equal Benefits >>

Thursday, May 21, 2009

On our way to northern indiana to continue the battle for Traditional Marriage...more details to follow...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

>> << House, Senate in NH vote on gay marriage bill today Most expect the Senate to app ...
...Had an awesome day today on the Iowa battlefield. Looking forward to more great results tomorrow!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Third grader in Denver working for gay movement, what are parents teaching their kids ? >>

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gov. David A. Paterson of NY urges Senate to Pass Gay Marriage Bill >>

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Iowa Constitution Provides Emergency Escape Hatch

As Sent To Iowa DefendMarriage FB Group

To: Iowa DefendMarriage Members
From : Rev. John Brewer, founder of DefendMarriage

Fellow Traditional Marriage Supporters,

We have good news for the state of Iowa. There is a clause in your constitution that provides for emergencies such as the recent gay marriage ruling. It states:
All political power is inherent in the people. Government
is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the
people, and they have the right, at all times, to alter or
reform the same, whenever the public good may require it.

That’s right. Iowans have the right, AT ALL TIMES, to alter or reform their government. The majority believe that the public good demands a reformation of the government such that traditional marriage remains the privilege of those who are qualified by nature’s God to be legally wed. This can only be one man and one woman.

This is the best of news. But it requires that you, the good people of Iowa, stand up and be counted. We have most of the pieces in place to launch a major campaign, but unless you step forward, legislators won't hear, newspapers won't print it, radio stations won't cover it, and TV won't film it. They have all told us that it must be you, the good people of Iowa, who step forward. We can provide the planning and coordination, but they must see Iowans. So it is up to you.

Many times we were asked on our "Keep Marriage Sacred Tour" what you could do. Well, this is the time. Tell your friends and family to get interested. Tell them that WE THE PEOPLE have all the constitutional authority we need to push back. Can we afford to wait? No, we cannot. Your children, the sons and daughters of Iowa, will be made part of this immoral social experiment as soon as this Fall. Little children being perverted and subverted...

Is there any higher earthly calling than to protect the little ones? Please. Wars have been fought for much less than this! And this is a war against our very values. Iowa is but one battlefield where a small minority has seized what does not rightfully belong to them. These cultural thieves are stealing your nation's heritage, legacy, and liberties. Enough!

I plead with you to stand with us now. In the coming days, we need your voices, your letters, your calls, your emails, your prayers, and even your monetary contributions. We need your willingness to lead. The final straw has been broken Iowa. No one here calls for the sacrifice of blood, but is it to much to ask for other sacrifices? Surely, our country's Founding Fathers would not have thought twice about this.

Up until now, we have asked very little from any DefendMarriage group or its Fan page. But we have been born for just such a time as this. We are chosen. All that remains is to see if we will answer the call. I pray that this will be the turning point for the nation, and not its last gasp before outright tyranny.

We want to return to Iowa, to press this fight to its righteous conclusion. We are scheduled to meet with key leaders in the near future. We know we can win. But honestly, it depends on you. We need to hear from you. Here are three things we need you to do:

If you haven't bought a DefendMarriage wristband yet, could you? As a show of solidarity and interest, every soldier has some clothing apparel in common. If a wristband is too much of a sacrifice, then what does that say about your commitment to marriage? You can get the wristbands at the DefendMarriage Store for as little as $2.22 including shipping:

Buy "Marriage War Bonds". As the Scripture says, "Who ever goes to war at his own expense?" We can only fight if we have the resources.
At this point, we are as needy as "Washington's Army before he crossed the Delaware River". Nevertheless, by the grace of God, we fight on. We promise we will continue to fight until we have either won or have no way to continue -- marriage is that important. George Washington won the American Revolution, and we're confident that good people can still make a difference. Please consider giving as generously as you are able. Our opposition is extremely well-funded. "Marriage War Bonds" may be purchased at:

Contact us now at . Tell us you are interested in leadership for your community. Tell us you are willing to do something for the cause.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Thanks for caring. The news is good. We really can win.

your fellowservant,
Rev. John Brewer
founder of Virtue1st/DefendMarriage
Great News For Traditional Marriage Supporters -- Iowa Constitution Provides Emergency Escape Hatch --