Saturday, May 30, 2009

Normandy (Iowa) Invasion Plan, Part I

My previous post,

California Elephant Lays A Big Goose Egg, ...bad news, ye prophets of Baal...,

was a prelude to this Declaration of War. It explained why and
how DefendMarriage became involved in Iowa, and further why I
personally became involved. Now, I entrust unto you my
readers and supporters, the Normandy (Iowa) Invasion Plan.

Before I elaborate about the Normandy Invasion, I want to
re-post a letter sent to the editor by the Honorable
Representative Dwayne Alons of Iowa:

"Iowa and America seems to be losing its way. We no longer appear
to have our moral compass pointed to “true north.” Since the April 3, 2009,
Iowa Supreme Court opinion to remove our traditional definition of marriage
between only one man and one woman, a number of states are choosing
to also to go down this same route as Iowa. They are Maine, Connecticut
and Vermont with New Hampshire and New York getting closer to that
decision and Washington, D.C., by default with no action against the city
council's choice in the U.S. Congress. The Iowa legislature could have
begun the process this session to send this decision to the people of the
state as a ballot issue, but the Democratic leadership, namely Speaker
Murphy and Senate Majority Leader Gronstal said “no” to that idea. They
thwarted every effort by the minority party and some of their own members
to have a debate on the marriage issue. The governor also did not pursue
an executive order to “stay” the decision until the constitutional process
was exhausted. I believe they are supportive of the Court's ruling because
they have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from gay activists for
the last two elections putting them into power. Most of that money has
come from out-of-state, so they are listening to non-constituents more
than to the people of Iowa. May 28 is another homosexual-backed fund
raiser for Murphy and Gronstal in support of their pro-Court actions.
This whole course has gone far beyond the natural political process. I
believe we are in a spiritual battle for the very existence of the constitution
of our state and the true soul of America. Before a next natural step could
and, I believe, should happen, we must be down on our knees before our
Creator to ask for His intervention. The hearts of our leaders must be
changed or the leaders must be removed, for them to honor our
constitutional process and to see that what is being allowed is a
debauchery of our society as established by our Creator. This effort is so
significant, that I believe, simple prayer is not enough, but this can only be
changed by prayer and fasting. I am not speaking as a politician
representing my party, but I am asking every concerned person – pastor,
church member, constitution lover, and concerned citizen for our future to
join in the spiritual battle first and follow up with communication with the
governor and the legislative leaders to allow your God-given rights to be

If you were to re-read my first post, you would discover that
I came away from my first extensive visit to Iowa with some
rather strong opinions myself. But honestly, it doesn't matter
who is at fault or to which political party they belong. The
Creator I serve doesn't care about Parties, but righteousness.
He is a forgiving God who can change both minds and hearts.
There are consequences to our decisions, but only blasphemy
of the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. So, my first and lasting
appeal is a call for repentance. This is what our nation really
needs. Let me recall a famous Scripture: "If my people, which
are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray,
and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I
hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their
land (II Chron. 7:14)." Now study this, because it is basic.
I agree with Representative Alons. This is a spiritual warfare.

The Normandy (Iowa) Invasion Plan is pretty simple. It is
all about the power of prayer to transform. I believe in that
power, the gift of God to take part in redemption. So, I want
to answer all of those who asked me what they could do to
make a difference.

Are you a church? Humble yourself and ask forgiveness. Let
God direct you about what he wants you to do. I don't know
of any perfect churches, so I cannot imagine any lack of
need to repent. Some may feel a special need to repent for
their inaction. Note, there is no time limit to this process.
Repent until God gives you a clear conscience, with no other
indication of any wrongdoing. Ask and He will reveal. Be
humble enough and believe that your faithfulness will result
in His faithfulness. Pray and seek God: His will, His glory.
God always answers prayers that truly put Him first, with no
reservations. Make sure that is your heart if you want to
see God work miracles. Turn from your wicked ways. It's
surprising, but some churches expect God to act when they
keep on doing the evil deeds. They see no power because
they are unwilling to act, for whatever reason. They
confine God to four walls so that they do not suffer in any
way. They walk away from the process feeling good about
what they have done, yet they accomplish nothing God
credits because they are unwilling to fully rely on God.
Consider this: by itself, if it does not have works,
is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have
works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will
show you my faith by my works.
I would recommend that
the Church take seriously the book of James -- principles
which though timeless, seemed to be lost in this present

Are you an individual? Review God's plan for the Church
above. It is your plan as well. Repentance begins with
one person at a time. Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
wait for others. Not anyone. Not your church, not your
family or friends. God's blessing for your life and those
you have contact with needs your action. You have no
idea how much this will mean. Only God does. He asks
for your simple obedience because it is the only way.

I suppose some reading this will respond that, "this is all
well and good, but what does this have to do with Iowa --
with taking back ground from those who have stolen power
and promoted unrighteousness." "Pious sounding blabber",
others may say. To this I can only respond that it is the
Word of God. It is the vision God has given for victory. It
is the truth, and if you believe the truth, then God needs
you. As do I. As does DefendMarriage.

We are going to take down strongholds of the enemy, but
the soldiers we are recruiting are those who believe God.
Make no mistake, we are serious. We ask for help from
wheresoever you are in the world. Prayer. Honest,
heartfelt prayer. Fasting, if you are so led. But prayer
most assuredly. Some of us, myself included, are going to
the sources of infection in Iowa. Why? Because just
as a poultice is made to "draw out" a specific infection and
thus cleanse a wound, so we will go to locations where
healing is needed. The locations themselves will be
revealed just prior to our arrival to maintain strategic
advantage. If God leads you to join us, please come. If
God should lead you to undergird our effort by supplying
the means to advance righteousness, our gratitude will
be eternal. This is our Normandy Invasion. With
prayer, fasting, and works that highlight the truth, we
shall prevail.

Prophets of Baal, mock now while you may. You may
not find it so humorous in the near future.

your servant,
Rev. John Brewer
founder of Virtue1st inc./DefendMarriage

PS. -- (cf.- next DefendMarriage article,
"Provisioning The Normandy Invasion")

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