To: Iowa DefendMarriage Members
From : Rev. John Brewer, founder of DefendMarriage
Fellow Traditional Marriage Supporters,
We have good news for the state of Iowa. There is a clause in your constitution that provides for emergencies such as the recent gay marriage ruling. It states:
All political power is inherent in the people. Government
is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the
people, and they have the right, at all times, to alter or
reform the same, whenever the public good may require it.
That’s right. Iowans have the right, AT ALL TIMES, to alter or reform their government. The majority believe that the public good demands a reformation of the government such that traditional marriage remains the privilege of those who are qualified by nature’s God to be legally wed. This can only be one man and one woman.
This is the best of news. But it requires that you, the good people of Iowa, stand up and be counted. We have most of the pieces in place to launch a major campaign, but unless you step forward, legislators won't hear, newspapers won't print it, radio stations won't cover it, and TV won't film it. They have all told us that it must be you, the good people of Iowa, who step forward. We can provide the planning and coordination, but they must see Iowans. So it is up to you.
Many times we were asked on our "Keep Marriage Sacred Tour" what you could do. Well, this is the time. Tell your friends and family to get interested. Tell them that WE THE PEOPLE have all the constitutional authority we need to push back. Can we afford to wait? No, we cannot. Your children, the sons and daughters of Iowa, will be made part of this immoral social experiment as soon as this Fall. Little children being perverted and subverted...
Is there any higher earthly calling than to protect the little ones? Please. Wars have been fought for much less than this! And this is a war against our very values. Iowa is but one battlefield where a small minority has seized what does not rightfully belong to them. These cultural thieves are stealing your nation's heritage, legacy, and liberties. Enough!
I plead with you to stand with us now. In the coming days, we need your voices, your letters, your calls, your emails, your prayers, and even your monetary contributions. We need your willingness to lead. The final straw has been broken Iowa. No one here calls for the sacrifice of blood, but is it to much to ask for other sacrifices? Surely, our country's Founding Fathers would not have thought twice about this.
Up until now, we have asked very little from any DefendMarriage group or its Fan page. But we have been born for just such a time as this. We are chosen. All that remains is to see if we will answer the call. I pray that this will be the turning point for the nation, and not its last gasp before outright tyranny.
We want to return to Iowa, to press this fight to its righteous conclusion. We are scheduled to meet with key leaders in the near future. We know we can win. But honestly, it depends on you. We need to hear from you. Here are three things we need you to do:
If you haven't bought a DefendMarriage wristband yet, could you? As a show of solidarity and interest, every soldier has some clothing apparel in common. If a wristband is too much of a sacrifice, then what does that say about your commitment to marriage? You can get the wristbands at the DefendMarriage Store for as little as $2.22 including shipping: http://defendmarriagestore
Buy "Marriage War Bonds". As the Scripture says, "Who ever goes to war at his own expense?" We can only fight if we have the resources.
At this point, we are as needy as "Washington's Army before he crossed the Delaware River". Nevertheless, by the grace of God, we fight on. We promise we will continue to fight until we have either won or have no way to continue -- marriage is that important. George Washington won the American Revolution, and we're confident that good people can still make a difference. Please consider giving as generously as you are able. Our opposition is extremely well-funded. "Marriage War Bonds" may be purchased at: http://defendmarriagestore
Contact us now at . Tell us you are interested in leadership for your community. Tell us you are willing to do something for the cause.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Thanks for caring. The news is good. We really can win.
your fellowservant,
Rev. John Brewer
founder of Virtue1st/DefendMarriage
This makes me want to live in Iowa just so I can help protext there